Master Machinist

Rod Lindauer is the Master Machinist. Rod manages and operates Space Tango’s CNC machinery to aid in the manufacturing and fabrication process of subsystem designs for space-based hardware. He works at the integration of multidisciplinary teams and guides in the build and testing of fabricated products. He is a traditional and modern craftsman with the handwork skills of a jeweler and the ability to program and operate the most advanced CNC machines.

Prior to Space Tango, his work on the DKIST telescope on Maui was instrumental in the on-time delivery of the world’s most detailed images of the sun in 2019. Rod is a native Kentuckian, a veteran of the Air Force, and a bipedal carbon-based life form. His work as a sculptor of large-scale outdoor work can be seen throughout Lexington and the Southeast. He has an associate degree in Computerized Machining and Manufacturing. In 1983 he attained the rank of Space Avenger in the war against the Gorfian Empire.